Veterinary Care and Dermatology FAQs from a Veterinarian Near You

Is your dog scratching a lot more than usual? Does your cat have a rash? All kinds of skin problems can make pets uncomfortable but pet dermatology services can help!

Dermatology FAQs

Are you looking for a veterinarian near you for this type of care? At Firestone Animal Hospital in Downey, CA, our veterinary services include dermatology for many conditions. Contact us for more information about the conditions treated at our clinic and the services we offer for pet skin problems.

Why Does My Pet Have a Skin Problem?

This can happen for many reasons. Pets can have an underlying condition that causes this. Or they might have a reaction to things they encounter in their surroundings. Some of the more common causes of skin problems in pets include the following:

●             Hot spots

●             Canine atopic dermatitis

●             Flea allergies

●             Food allergies

●             Allergies to dust, mold, pollen, or other environmental allergens

●             Parasites

●             Dry skin

These are many of the conditions treated at our animal hospital in pets that need dermatology care.

What Symptoms Should I Watch for?

Pets with skin problems can have different symptoms, such as:

●             Itching

●             Redness

●             Rashes or bumps

●             Bald patches

●             Hives

●             Scaly or flaky skin

●             Pawing at ears or eyes

●             Chewing or licking paws

When Does My Pet Need Help?

Any skin issue that makes your pet uncomfortable needs treatment. This helps your pet feel better — and prevents potentially serious complications. Pets that scratch a lot can tear skin open, increasing the risk of having a secondary skin infection.

What Does Pet Dermatology Testing Involve?

When you bring to us, we evaluate their skin to note its condition. Depending on what we find, we might do any of the following:

●             Take a biopsy to diagnose an underlying medical condition

●             Test for allergies with skin tests

●             Take a culture if we suspect a fungal or bacterial infection

How Do You Treat Skin Issues in Pets?

It depends on the kind of problems your pet has and what’s causing them. Treatments for dermatology issues may include:

●             Nutritional supplement recommendations

●             Prescription medication to clear up infections

●             Allergy shots

●             Topical treatments for fleas or ticks

Get Veterinary Care from a Veterinarian Near You

Need a veterinarian near you for pet skin problems? We’d love to help! Call (562) 928-1341 to learn more about the conditions treated by our team at Firestone Animal Hospital. Contact us for veterinary care from a veterinarian in Downey, CA,


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9:00 am - 6:00 pm


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9:00 am - 7:00 pm
9:00 am - 7:00 pm
9:00 am - 7:00 pm
9:00 am - 7:00 pm
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Emergency Services & Urgent care available by appointment after-hours and Sundays


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