Pet Allergies

Although it might sometimes be cute to watch pets sneeze like we do, pet allergies can become a serious problem in pet. Fortunately, if you live in Downey, CA, you can bring your pet to our team at Firestone Animal Hospital where a skilled veterinarian will help you understand your pet’s condition and help him get treatment. 

Pet Allergies

What Kind of Pet Allergies Are There?

Your faithful animal companion can be affected by a number of different types of allergies. His allergies might be triggered something that he eats, from the surrounding environment, or more.

He may show he has allergies by having itchy skin or by doing things like sneezing or having watery eyes. If you see signs of pet allergies and they are causing your pet a significant amount of suffering, it may a good idea to get the help of a vet.

How Will It Be Diagnosed?

When you bring your pet in, we may do a skin scrape to see if it's a skin allergy. We may also draw blood and make sure that it's not something else that is causing the problem. We will also talk to you, the owner, about things that you might have noticed about what could have caused the issue. We might ask questions like “did the eat a certain type of food” or “has he been in a dusty area.”


Your pet’s treatment may depend on what is causing the allergies in the first place. If it's determined that it's a food allergy, then you can just remove the food from his diet. If it's a skin allergy, you might have to put some lotion or other medication on the area. If it's environmental, then you might have to clean the place more often or keep your pet away from a certain area, like a particular tree.

Get Pet Allergies from a Veterinarian Near You

It's concerning for your pet to be suffering from pet allergies. If you can help them feel better, then you'll also be feeling better. At Firestone Animal Hospital, we're here to help the pets of Downey, CA, get relief from their pet allergies so that they can go back to filling your life with joy. Contact us today to make an appointment. Call us at (562) 928-1341 for pet allergies from a veterinarian near you.

Office Hours

7539 Firestone Blvd, Downey, CA 90241, United States

Firestone Office Hours


9:00 am - 7:00 pm


9:00 am - 7:00 pm




9:00 am - 7:00 pm


9:00 am - 7:00 pm


9:00 am - 6:00 pm


Emergency Services & Urgent care available by appointment after-hours and Sundays

Firestone Office Hours

9:00 am - 7:00 pm
9:00 am - 7:00 pm
9:00 am - 7:00 pm
9:00 am - 7:00 pm
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Emergency Services & Urgent care available by appointment after-hours and Sundays


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